The wellbeing and safety of your child is a key priority in our Catholic schools
The wellbeing and safety of all students is central to the purpose of Catholic education and we acknowledge that healthy relationships and exceptional pastoral care are core to each child’s positive experience at school.
Our schools and colleges are places where students are nurtured to grow, to belong and to be safe.

Meeting Diverse Learning Needs
Each child is unique and learns in a variety of ways and at different rates. As a system of schools, our commitment is to respecting and honouring the diversity of each individual as a fundamental principle of learning and teaching.
Meeting the needs of all students is the responsibility of the whole school community. In some cases, children with additional learning needs or disabilities may require individualised programs and support. Through a focus on learning and wellbeing, Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese provides a range of support and services to meet students’ individual needs.
Post school options program for students with additional needs
Post School Options provides personalised intervention for students with additional learning needs.
Opportunities include short pre-vocational courses for students in Year 9 and 10, work experience, mentoring, enterprise training, culturally specific supports and vocational education opportunities. Teachers and workplace trainers support students undertaking workplace learning tailored to the needs of the student.
Post school options program for students with additional needs

Specialist Support Teams
All schools in the Parramatta diocese have Specialist Support Teams. Specialist teachers work within the school community, and in partnership with parents/caregivers, to provide consultation, assessment, planning and referral services for students with a variety of learning and additional needs. Students who receive additional education support are commonly identified with the one or more of the following conditions:
- intellectual disabilities
- physical disabilities
- hearing impairment
- vision impairment
- communication disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- mental health condition (emotional disorders).
Specialist Support teachers work in a number of different ways such as:
- providing direct service delivery to students
- consulting with and supporting class teachers with curriculum differentiation
- coordinating the Personalised Planning
- liaising with Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese in areas such as assessment and funding applications.
Catholic Education Specialist Support Teams
- Wellbeing and Behaviour team
- K-12 System Counsellors team
- Attendance team
- Post School Options team
- High Support Needs team (Kirinari & Wiyanga)
- Jarara Indigenous Education Unit
- Specialist Intervention Team
- Assessment Team
- Teaching Educator
- Transition Coordinator (pre school - school).
Further assistance provided
- school-based Learning Support teachers and teacher assistants
- support programs for students with a hearing or vision impairment
- secondary high support learning centres for students with moderate intellectual disabilities
- educational psychologists who support groups of primary and secondary schools
- speech pathology assessment and advice
- Transition programs to employment or further studies/ training for secondary students with disabilities. Learn about Post School Options Program for Students with Additional Needs
- Autism satellite classes in conjunction with Aspect Australia
- personalised planning processes for students
- professional development activities for teacher and parents.
High Support Centres for Learning
Let’s work together

Catholic Education Office Diocese of Parramatta is committed to providing an inclusive education for students and recognises that some students with a moderate intellectual disability may need additional support. The High Support Needs centres for learning are located on the grounds of Xavier College, Llandilo, St Patrick’s Marist College, Dundas and St Luke's Catholic College, Marsden Park providing students with an alternate platform for learning.

The learning for students enrolled in the high support needs classes recognises the individual ability of each student and the pace at which they learn. We work in partnership with families to deliver a personalised and engaging learning program for every student that recognises their abilities, their interests and their skills. Where appropriate, this may also include attendance in some mainstream classes.
All new schools to be built in the Diocese of Parramatta will include provision to provide support High Support learning needs.
Personalised Plans
A key part of the education program is to establish a Personalised Plan for students with disability, who require ongoing adjustments to learning. The Personalised Planning process ensures collaboration between parents/caregivers, teachers, Specialist Support teachers and other support personnel in setting individual goals for students for the school year.
Personalised Plans

You are encouraged to begin the enrolment process at least a year in advance of the normal enrolment period to allow for assessment of the support and adjustments required for your child.
To begin the process, please complete and submit an Expression of Interest Form and we will contact you about the next steps.
If you prefer to talk to our dedicated team about your child’s need first, please contact:
Mrs Alma George
Phone: 0407 233 622
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Parramatta are committed to providing an affordable quality Catholic education for families. We understand the financial demands placed on families and seek to keep the fees as low as possible.
Each school also charges fees that go toward resources that may include excursions, cost of buses, photocopying, utilities, maintenance of buildings and grounds, camps and reflection days.
There are a range of options available to assist families with the payment of fees. Speak with your school directly or contact Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese to discuss your options.
No child will be refused enrolment from a Catholic school because of a family's inability to pay school fees
How can we meet the additional learning needs for your child?
Further information may be obtained by contacting your local Catholic school directly. You can also contact Catholic Education’s Student Services Diverse Learning Needs team on 0407 233 622 or email
High Support Learning Centres
Open to students with a moderate intellectual disability, low adaptive functioning and high support needs.
Post-School Options
Providing personalised intervention for students with additional learning needs to develop skills that can be transferred to the workplace.
How to Enrol
We look forward to getting you started on the enrolment process or just answering any questions you still have.
Other helpful resources
Supporting Diverse Learning in Catholic Schools
A Guide by Parents for Parents.
Milestones and transitions
This resource is for parents and caregivers of students. It will help you to support your child through times of change in education.
Disability Standards for Education
This resource is for anyone who wants to learn more about the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
Disability Standards for Education Action Plan
This workbook is for students. It will help you to plan and set up reasonable adjustments for your time in education.
Advocating with and for your child
This workbook is for parents and caregivers of primary students. It will help you and your child to plan and set up reasonable adjustments.