Post School Options provides personalised intervention for students with additional learning needs to develop skills that can be transferred to the workplace.
It is offered to students from Years 9 and 10. Students can also engage in Years 11 and 12, depending on their needs and study program.

The aim is to provide students with valuable and authentic opportunities to participate in the workplace, learn new skills and plan for their future. The learning space is the workplace.
Post School Options is future orientated, working from a student’s current personal skills and then building transferable, generic employability and foundation skills.

The post-school options program offers the following:
Personalised Planning
The Post School Options team works collaboratively with schools to deliver personalised planning for students. Personalised planning assists families and students to make informed choices about further learning, as well as to ‘set students up for success’ in access and participation in the Post School Options Program, including training pathways beyond school.
Personalised Planning

‘2MORROW’ - Introduction to Workplace Learning
This training program provides a platform to explore and expand on the foundation and employability skills required of an entry-level worker, across industries. The training targets Year 9 students who will be undertaking workplace learning in Year 10. Through this 'hands on' and interactive 2-day workshop, students will be better prepared for authentic, workplace learning. Students will have the opportunity to focus on a chosen career and explore a career pathway.
‘2MORROW’ - Introduction to Workplace Learning

Work Orientation Day
This 1-day training is a mandatory prerequisite for any student wanting to undertake workplace learning through Post School Options. Training involves the work health and safety of self and others in the workplace and students are assessed to enter the workplace.
Work Orientation Day

Effective Communication
This training provides an opportunity for students who may need to develop and build their communication skills for the workplace.
Effective Communication

Short Courses
Students may attend short courses offered by Post School Options throughout the school year. These short courses can support future plans and vocational options for the student.
For example:
- First Aid Certificate
HLTAID003 - Apply First Aid
- General WHS Induction Training (White Card)
CPCCOHS1001A - Work Safely in the Construction Industry
- Introduction to Financial Literacy
Certificate of Participation
Short Courses

‘OnTrack and Resume Writing’ Employability Skills Workshops
An intense training platform of practical, hands-on learning for students in Years 10-12. Students learn about:
- Resumes
- Job networking
- Responding to an advertisement
- Communication skills
- Personal grooming
- Interview skills
- Community supports in the local area.
‘OnTrack and Resume Writing’ Employability Skills Workshops

Workplace Learning
The focus is on the attainment and assessment of employability skills through either mentoring, work experience or thorough guided workplace learning. Workplace learning assists students to make more informed decisions about their future learning and career pathways. Workplace learning is organised by Post School Options Workplace Trainers who maintain regular contact with the student and employer at the work site during the placement. Students are able to participate in workplace learning in Year 10 and are registered by their school.
Workplace Learning

Mentoring in the Workplace
‘Mentoring in the Workplace’ focuses on the development of transferable employability skills by placing students with a mentor. The mentor who is viewed as a ‘wise and trusted guide’ assists the student to build confidence and self-esteem by offering their workplace as an alternative platform for learning. This engagement is for 1 day per week for 2 school terms (20 weeks). Students are considered for mentoring by their school community. All mentors receive training and support via the Post School Options Program.
Mentoring in the Workplace

Produce Based Learning
Produce Based Learning is a learning intervention and engagement strategy that develops work readiness skills in students who maybe deemed 'age appropriate' by the school, but not work ready'. This pre-vocational platform program takes place in a simulated workplace environment and is personalised to individual needs. The training enables students to demonstrate employability skills through the operation of a 'not for profit' small business, retailing fresh produce, under the guidance of the Post School Options team 1 day per week for an 8 week rotation in Stage 5.
Produce Based Learning

Grounds For Learning
Grounds for Learning is a simulated workplace that enables students to learn and demonstrate skills in the food and beverage and/or the food and retail environment, under the guidance of a Post School Options teacher. The program develops 'work readiness skills' by engaging students in a combination of theory and skill based, practical learning 1 day per week throughout Stage 6.
Grounds For Learning

How can we meet the additional learning needs for your child?
Further information may be obtained by contacting your local Catholic school directly. You can also contact Catholic Education’s Student Services Diverse Learning Needs team on 0407 233 622 or email
High Support Learning Centres
Open to students with a moderate intellectual disability, low adaptive functioning and high support needs.
Every Student is Unique
We are committed to addressing the learning needs for each student ensuring that their strengths are nurtured.
How to enrol
We look forward to getting you started on the enrolment process or just answering any questions you still have.