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24 Mar 2025
From CSPD Facebook
What an amazing achievement🤩👏✨ for Marian Catholic College Kenthurst Year 11 student Thomas Cutuk who has been selected as part of the Australia Joeys squad for the U17 AFC Asian Cup in Saudi Arabia next month.🌏🏆 Good luck in the middle east Thomas. Your family, friends, the entire Marian community and all our school communities throughout the Parramatta Diocese are incredibly proud.😇🥳 Australia meets Vietnam, UAE and Japan in the group stages with their first game in the early hours next Saturday (Australia time). The matches will be broadcast live on 10Play.📺
24 Mar 2025
From playground to playmaker: The schools that make NRL stars
In western Sydney, two high schools have become certified champion factories for NRL clubs. Churning out players for 15 of the NRL’s 17 clubs, Patrician Brothers’ College Blacktown and Westfields Sports High School in Fairfield West educated 52 players in the current competition, and their playing fields are teeming with future stars.
24 Mar 2025
From CSPD Instagram
All our communities throughout Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are incredibly proud of these amazing new educators👩🏫👨🏫 and leaders who were welcomed to the Diocese of Parramatta by Most Reverend Bishop Vincent Long at the 2025 Commissioning Mass🙏💙 at St Patrick's Catholic Church Blacktown.⛪️ It was a beautiful evening🌷 as we celebrated all these new teachers, Principals and leaders as they embark on their roles with faith, passion, and purpose... to inspire and nurture young minds in our school communities.🤲😇🥰 Be sure to stay tuned to our social pages as we'll be sharing a much larger gallery of photos😎📸🌟 from the ceremony in the near future. @parracatholic @catholicyouthparra #FaithInEducation #CatholicSchoolsParramatta #CSPD #Growinginfaith #CatholicEducation #cspd2025 #catholicschoolsparramattadiocese #parracatholic #westernsydney #blacktown
23 Mar 2025
From CSPD Facebook
🚀Up, up and away!✈️ St John XXIII Catholic College Stanhope Gardens STEM students recently got to see Qantas 🛫operations up close 😲at a Future of Long Haul Flying Workshop. They collaborated on developing some innovative concepts 💭for the future of air travel 🛩️💺 and gained valuable insights into the range of aviation careers 👨✈️👩✈️and industry pathways. 🙌🤩 It's so good 🙏to see companies like BOP Industries and Qantas 🤝🛬providing these inspiring learning opportunities for our students. 👏🥰 #Qantas #STEM #FutureOfFlying #BOPIndustries #Aviation #FutureThinkers #Engineering
23 Mar 2025
From CSPD Instagram
St John Vianney's Primary Doonside is on FACEBOOK😄📚 and the entire school community is so excited to have a new way families, friends and students can engage with the school and see photos, videos and information about the wonderful things happening there.😇🥰😎📸🌠 Be sure to head to their page and give it a like👍. There's also a link on their website.🌐 #doonside #cspd2025 #catholicschoolsparramattadiocese #parracatholic #westernsydney #blacktown #schools
22 Mar 2025
From CSPD Facebook
All our school communities throughout Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are incredibly proud of these amazing new educators👩🏫👨🏫 and leaders who were welcomed to the Diocese of Parramatta by Most Reverend Bishop Vincent Long at the 2025 Commissioning Mass🙏💙 at St Patrick's Catholic Church Blacktown.⛪️ It was a beautiful evening🌷 as we celebrated all these new teachers, Principals and leaders as they embark on their roles with faith, passion, and purpose... to inspire and nurture young minds in our school communities.🤲😇🥰 Be sure to stay tuned to our social pages as we'll be sharing a much larger gallery of photos😎📸🌟 from the ceremony in the near future.
22 Mar 2025
From CSPD Instagram
Together, we belong to something greater! This Harmony Day we're proud to celebrate the rich cultural diversity in our welcoming Catholic school communities. #westernsydney #cspd2025 #catholicschoolsparramattadiocese #parracatholic #schools #multicultural #HarmonyDay
21 Mar 2025
Commitment to Close the Gap clear for Western Sydney Catholic schools
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) has released its first annual Closing the Gap report. This report outlines its contribution to improving socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly students and their families. CSPD Chief Executive Officer Jack de Groot said the report reflects the dedication of CSPD’s 6 500 staff in fostering reconciliation and equity through the organisation’s 80 outstanding school across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains.
21 Mar 2025
From CSPD Instagram
These students are up, up and away with their learning! 🚀✈️ St John XXIII Catholic College Stanhope Gardens STEM students had a close-up look at Qantas operations at a Future of Long Haul Flying Workshop. 🛫😲 They collaborated on developing some innovative concepts for the future of air travel and gained valuable insights into the range of aviation careers and industry pathways. 💭👨✈️👩✈️🙌🤩🛩️💺 It's so good to see companies like BOP Industries and Qantas providing these inspiring learning opportunities for our students. 🙏👏🥰🤝🛬 #cspd2025 #catholicschoolsparramattadiocese #parracatholic #westernsydney #Qantas #STEM #FutureOfFlying #BOPIndustries #Aviation #FutureThinkers #Engineering #parramatta #stanhopegardens @stjohnxxiiicatholiccollege