To teach in a Catholic school it is mandatory that Principals and teachers be accredited in order to ensure the Church's mission and purpose is understood

What do I need to be eligible to teach?
To be employed as a teacher, whether applying for permanent or casual positions, in the system of schools in the Diocese of Parramatta you require:
- An accreditation decision is required from NESA. If you have not previously registered with NESA, you will need to apply via the NESA website.
- classification by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese that includes:
- compliance with NSW child Protection Legislation - a Working with Children Check (WWCC)
- evidence of qualifications, experience and an authority to work, if not an Australian resident.

Applying to work with us
If you are interested in a career with us, you will need to register your interest online through our careers page, in the first instance.
Once you have been informed of the outcome of your application, you will need to apply for a classification, in order to be cleared to work with us.
You won't need to apply for a classification if you are not being progressed for a role with us.
Further Information
For further information concerning teacher accreditation or classification please ask to speak with a Training, Compliance and Accreditation Officer on 9840 5600 or use our email form.
Further Information