We offer learning experiences to teaching and non-teaching staff throughout Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, supporting them to build their career and expertise.
Our Professional Learning program contributes to the learning and formation of teachers and support staff in Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD). Professional learning underpins innovation and improvement in schools: it promotes critical reflection, builds confidence, skills, and competency in new ideas and practices.

CSPD has full endorsement from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) as a provider of professional learning and we have courses which are also registered on the NESA website.
Teachers who have been accredited at Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead count their indicative hours of attendance at courses which support their professional learning needs.

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Visit our Professional Learning Portal to discover a range of relevant, collaborative and future-focused courses and workshops, supporting best practice and the delivery of a world-class education for our students.
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Looking for high quality resources and programs to support innovation and teacher learning?
The Learning Exchange supports technology integration and the professional learning needs of Diocese of Parramatta schools and staff. They also provide high quality, relevant and current digital and physical resources for future-focused learning.