Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese is committed to providing an inclusive education for students. We recognise that some students with a moderate intellectual disability as a primary disability and low adaptive functioning may require an alternate learning environment. High support learning settings are located at three CSPD schools. The learning for students enrolled in these centres reflects their needs and, where appropriate, will include attendance in some mainstream classes.

You are encouraged to begin the enrolment process at least 1 year in advance of the regular enrolment period to allow for assessment of the support and adjustments required for your child.
Step 1: Expression of Interest
We invite you to complete an Expression of Interest and attach the following documents:
- Psychometric Assessment
- Record of your child’s medical, personal care and healthcare needs
Your completed form and documents can be submitted in any of the following ways:
Online - Submitting the Expression of Interest form with supporting documents uploaded
Printed - and posted with the 3 supporting documents to:
Student Services
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese
Locked Bag 4, North Parramatta NSW 1750
Printed - and emailed with the 3 supporting documents to:
If you prefer to talk to our dedicated team about your child’s needs first, please contact Mrs Alma George by phone on 0407 233 622 or email

Step 2: Discussion with Student Services
Once the Expression of Interest is received families are contacted by the Student Services team to discuss your child’s needs in greater detail.
Step 3: Complete an enrolment form
Once agreement has been reached about suitability to meet your child’s needs, families are requested to complete an Enrolment Application Form (Form A).
The completed Enrolment Application, together with all requested supporting documentation, must be submitted, in person, to the school office.
Welcoming students with additional needs
Purpose-built, specialised learning centres
Open to students with a moderate intellectual disability, low adaptive functioning and high support needs, we offer specialised learning settings located at three key locations.
Learning that is personalised
Through a focus on learning and wellbeing, our schools provide a range of individualised programs and support for children with additional learning needs or disabilities.
Post School Options
Post School Options provides personalised intervention for students with additional learning needs to develop skills that can be transferred to the workplace.