2026 Bishop Manning Support Fund applications close 3 October 2025
The Bishop Manning Support Fund assists families in genuine need who desire a Catholic education for their child. Your support helps us work towards a world where all children receive equal opportunities and experiences.

The aim of this initiative is to help ensure equitable experiences of Catholic education for all families.
Donations help to cover the additional costs associated with education, including the cost of school and sports uniform, school shoes, school bags and additionally for secondary students, a learning device such as a laptop. Funds are granted equitably based on genuine need and the number of students able to be supported is limited by public donations received.
The Support Fund is managed by a committee of parish and Catholic Education representatives. Administrative support is provided by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese.

Apply for Support
Support Fund applications need to be submitted through the local Parramatta Diocesan Catholic school at which you wish to enrol your child. A school enrolment form needs to be completed at the same time so the school may determine if it can properly accommodate your child if support is granted.
Applications are considered on a quarterly basis by the Support Fund and normal school enrolment criteria apply.

Can you make a donation?
Make a difference to a child in need
Your support will enable us to assist more families in our local communities and assist us in our mission of providing inclusive experiences of Catholic education and driving positive change in the communities we serve.
Contact Us
For further information on the Bishop Manning Support Fund please contact the Support Fund representative by phone on 02 9840 5618 or send us an email
Contact Us

Applying for Support
Where can the application forms be obtained?
- Support Fund application forms can be obtained from:
- your local Diocesan school; or
- by downloading the Support Fund Application Pack
School Application and Enrolment forms need to be obtained from the Diocesan school at which you wish to enrol you child.
How does a family lodge an application for support?
Applications for support must be lodged through the Parramatta Diocesan school at which you wish to enrol your child. A school enrolment form needs to be completed at the same time so that the school may determine that it can properly accommodate the child if support is granted.
Can support funds be used at any school of choice?
No. The BMSF provides support for use at Catholic systemic schools run by and within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. The funds are not available for use at congregational schools within the Diocese or at schools outside of the Diocese of Parramatta. Normal enrolment criteria apply and usually this will mean attendance at the local school.
Are existing students able to apply for support funds for their current school?
The money available for support funds is very limited. Consequently, support is available to new students from families experiencing financial hardship where the additional costs of schooling present a barrier to enrolling in a Catholic school. Existing students from families in genuine financial need who require assistance with uniforms or devices are encouraged to speak to their local school about other assistance available.
Can a student at a Diocesan primary apply for support funds for secondary?
Yes. The normal application criteria and school enrolment criteria will apply.
Are support funds available on the basis of academic merit or sporting achievement?
No. The decision by the Trustees was to make support funds available to new students from families experiencing financial hardship who would not be able to afford the additional expenses of uniforms and student learning devices.
Will reasons be given for support not being approved?
No. As the Support Fund depends on public donations, there are not always funds available to cover all applications received. It is the Fund's policy to not give reasons for applications not being approved.
Why is a statement of financial position from parents/carers required?
As part of the assessment of genuine need of a family the Trustees must understand the financial position of the applicant family and be assured of a real need for assistance. A signed Statement of Financial Position, completed honestly and with proper documentary verification of income, is the most straightforward and objective way of doing this.
Granting of support
How often are applications for support reviewed?
The granting of support began on a regular basis during 2009. Provided that good levels of donations are received, new support funds are granted each year, usually for commencement at the beginning of the following school year.
How many applications are successful?
This varies from year to year, as the level of support that can be provided depends upon the level of donations. The aim of the Fund is to help as many families in need as is reasonably possible using the funds available, while making provision for needs in future years.
What the fund covers and the payment of proceeds
Does support provided for primary continue through for secondary?
No. Separate support will be available for primary school and for secondary school. At the time of enrolling the child at the secondary school, the parents of the relevant student will be able to apply for secondary school support for their child.
What costs will the support fund cover?
The support fund will cover:
- for the first year of entry to the school, essential school and sports uniform, school shoes, school bag (capped at $1,000) and additionally for secondary students, an essential, school-approved learning device such as a laptop (capped at $1,500).
For successful applicants the system of schools will absorb the local school fees, Diocesan tuition fees and Diocesan building levy.
How are support funds paid?
Support funds are paid directly to the school for purchasing uniforms and devices on behalf of the student. Detailed instructions are provided to the school and parent in the approval correspondence The initial uniform and device allowance applies only to the first year of entry to a school
What are my options other than the support fund?
What can I do if my application is unsuccessful?
You can make an appointment with the local Catholic school principal to discuss your situation.
There are a range of options available to school principals to grant fee concessions and/or provide greater flexibility for payment, depending on a family's individual circumstances. There is an assessment process in place to help principals decide on the type of assistance needed.
I can’t afford Catholic schooling without the support fund. What can I do?
Families considering enrolment in our schools for the first time are encouraged to apply for enrolment, even if the fees are not affordable. There are a range of options available to school principals to grant fee concessions and/or provide greater flexibility for payment, depending on a family's individual circumstances.
Establishment of the fund
What is the support fund?
The Bishop Manning Support Fund is a charitable fund established in 2007 by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese to receive tax-deductible donations to provide bursaries at schools operated by the Diocese.
The Fund was established to:
- receive donations for educational purposes, with unconditional donations being a tax deduction for donors; and
- use those donations to provide financial assistance for the poorer families in our community who would like a Catholic education for their children, but for whom the cost is out of reach.
How long has the support fund been operating?
The Support Fund was formed in the second half of 2007 and has been serving families most in need for over a decade.
Management of the fund
How is the fund managed?
A committee of parish, welfare, legal and education representatives (referred to as “The Trustees”) manages the Support Fund. The Fund Owner is the Roman Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) provides administrative support to the Trustees, but does not derive any financial benefit from the Fund. CSPD pays the administration and staffing expenses of the Fund. Independent auditors audit the Support Fund.
Where does the support fund get its money?
The Support Fund has been established to receive tax-deductible donations from the general public as well as from staff.
CSPD initially made a seed donation of $100,000 to help establish the fund.
There has also been a good response to approaches to suppliers for cash donations. It is important to the future of the Support Fund that we get a broad base of donors, so anything that you can do to promote donations to the Fund will be of great benefit and truly appreciated.
Are donations to the support fund tax-deductible?
Yes. The Bishop Manning Support Fund is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient so that donations of $2 and over are tax deductible when given unconditionally.
Do all donations go to fund recipients or are administration costs deducted?
All donations go to fund recipients. There are no deductions for administration costs. Administration costs such as advertising, printing, stationery, bank and audit fees, legal costs, technology and staff costs are kept to a minimum and are covered by CSPD.
How can I make a one-off donation to the support fund?
One-off donations can easily be made online.
Key Links
Affordable Catholic Education
Catholic Diocesan schools seek to keep fees as low as possible to allow access to a Catholic education for all families.
Byallawa Co-contribution Scheme
Did you know we offer fee support for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander families?
How to Enrol
We look forward to getting you started on the enrolment process or just answering any questions you still have.
Can you make a donation?
Are you able to help support our bursary fund? A donation is an investment in our children's future.