Whether just starting out or already accomplished in dance, drama, music or art, there’s something for everyone!
In our Secondary School program CAPTIVATE specialist teachers co-construct and support the delivery of syllabus outcomes in the creative arts by working in collaboration with generalist classroom, CAPA specialists and RFF teachers to embed creative arts learning into class programs, capacity build teachers’ skill base and further enrich and extend the work in schools.

If your school would like to take part in any of the following projects please complete the form below.
Secondary programs on offer
Cluster Classes - Dance, Drama & Music
This is a CAPTIVATE ran Stage 6 class in which students from a variety of schools meet to refine their Dance, Drama and Music skills.
- 1 x afternoon class at host school
- A block of 3 hours per week + online component
- Weekly for the year, beginning in term 1
- Only Stage 6 students are eligible for this program.
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Hub Programs
CAPTIVATE Hub Schools provide a pathway for deep learning in the arts by attending a 1.5 hour session each week during the school term. They are highly practical courses with a heavy emphasis on learning through performance preparation and creating while developing theoretical knowledge and technical skills.
These courses can be used to cultivate and reignite interest in selection for elective numbers.
Music and Dance courses are linked to VET courses: Music Cert II and Dance Cert I and II.
- This would take place in each individual school for 1.5 hours weekly
- Weekly for the year beginning mid term 1
- Day and time is determined in consultation between the school and CAPTIVATE
- Stages 4 and/or 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Instrumental Tuition
CAPTIVATE can provide high quality instrumental tutors for the following instruments:
- Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax
- Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba
- Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums
- Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
- Voice
- This would take place in each individual school
- Timetables are centrally managed by CAPTIVATE
- Weekly for the year, beginning in week 3 of term 1
- Stages 4, 5, 6
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Capacity Building - Drama
Working with Drama teachers to further develop their skills, build their department, refine and create programs, support with HSC classes and provide guidance in the appropriate selection of HSC pieces to enable students to reach their potential.
- Combination of 1:1 PL and in-situ support
- By negotiation with principal and teacher(s)
- All
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Capacity Building - Music
Working with Music teachers to further develop their skills, build their department, refine and create programs, support with HSC classes and provide masterclass sessions.
- Combination of 1:1 PL and in-situ support
- By negotiation with principal and teacher(s)
- All
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Capacity Building - Visual/ Digital Arts
Working with Visual Arts teachers to further develop their skills, build their department, refine and create programs and support with HSC classes and creations of case studies.
- Combination of 1:1 PL and in-situ support
- By negotiation with principal and teacher(s)
- All
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Capacity Building - Dance
Working with Dance teachers to further develop their skills, build their department, refine and create programs and support with HSC classes, suport with dance beyond the curriculum.
- Combination of 1:1 PL and in-situ support
- By negotiation with principal and teacher(s)
- All
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Skill Development Workshops - Drama
Full or half day workshops aimed at extending skills of Stage 5 students. Options include a Creating a Character Workshop and an Approaches to Devising Workshop. These workshops can stand alone or be refined to support topics and theatre styles being studied in the classroom.
- Face to face in schools
- Once
- Stage 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Skills Development Workshops - Public Speaking
Individual or group workshops for school leaders, students preparing for Voice of Youth or any student or class needing Public Speaking support.
The program can be a one off session of 2 hours or a series of 1 hour sessions.
Students will learn about composure, sending a strong message, connecting to their voice and being an engaging authentic speaker.
- In individual schools
- Date to be organised with school
- Once
- Stages 4, 5, 6
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Composition Remix
Remix artist and CAPTIVATE teacher works with teacher and students to create a composition using stems in Garageband.
- Full day workshop and in situ support for the project in class time.
- By negotiation with teacher(s) and school
- Stages 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Singer-Song Writing
Artist(s) and CAPTIVATE teacher supports teacher and students through the songwriting process. This could be in multiple (3-4) workshops throughout a term.
- Full day workshop and in situ support for the project in class time.
- By negotiation with teacher(s) and school
- Stages 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Dip into Drama
Full or half day workshops aimed at Stage 4 students new to Drama. Introducing students to practical ways of learning in drama focusing on improvisation and devising. Could be used to promote interest for subject selection in Stage 5. This can also be adapted to suit Stage 5 students with interest in the Stage 6 Drama course.
- Face to face in schools
- Once
- Stage 4
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Film Making Skill Development & Film Shoot
1 x full day and 3 x half day workshops developing skills in shooting and editing a collaboratively scripted short film.
Captivate specialist leads 2 x half day workshops where participant teacher and students learn general camera skills and work together to map the story arc of a short film.
The full day session involves the Captivate specialist, classroom teacher and students collaboratively shooting the short film with themselves as cast.
Once all footage has been captured, participants begin editing their own versions of the film. These draft versions are then shared amongst the group in a final Half Day workshop with the Captivate Specialist.
- In situ support
- 4 sessions throughout the term
- Stages 4 & 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Access Artists
Schools are invited to apply for a grant of up to work with a practising artist exclusive to one expressive form for a term long project.
An interactive PDF will be made available in week 8 that contains further information about the artists and the works they produced this year with our pilot schools.
- Meeting with the artist and teacher to plan
- Insitu delivery with students and teacher for the project
- By negotiation with teacher(s) and school
- Stages 4 & 5
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Johnny Romeo - Connecting to Artists
The program focuses primarily on Johnny Romeo working closely with senior high students in the process of developing their HSC Major Works. Through ongoing workshops and mentoring it aims to provide holistic guidance to empower Year 12 students to build confidence in essential skills such as idea development, collaborative exchange, public speaking and studio practice.
Participating schools can also select from a range of workshop opportunities and specific tailored initiatives facilitated by Johnny Romeo for students in years 7-11 and visual arts staff.
- Personalised Learning with teacher and in situ with classes
- To be negotiated
- There are a limited number of sessions throughout the year
- Stages 4, 5, 6
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Adobe Creative Suite
A full day workshop for teachers and/or students of Visual Arts, Digital Arts or TAS in one of following programs:
- Photoshop
- InDesign
- Illustrator
- Full day workshop in individual schools
- By negotiation with teacher(s) and school
- Stages 4, 5, 6
Contact CAPTIVATE on 9840 5649 for more information
Secondary-based programs More galleries

Register for a program
If your school would like to take part in any of the following projects please complete the form below
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Talk to a CAPTIVATE professional
If you have an enquiry concerning any of our programs or speak to our friendly staff on 9840 5649.