Requests for information must be in writing
If your request for information is from:
Office of the Children’s Guardian
send to:
SafeWork NSW
send to:
Please send all other requests via email to:
and/or via mail to:
The Proper Officer
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese
The Bethany Centre
470 Church Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

To process the request, we require the following:
- an authority to release information, with the signature of the person whose information is being requested
- identification (such as a Driver’s Licence) to verify the person’s identity, and
- the required fee (more information below).
Description of documents
Please ensure that the description of documents to be produced is as specific as possible and do not cover an excessively general scope. This will ensure that the issuing party receives the documents required, without unnecessarily burdening CSPD by searching for documents that are not required. This includes supplying the following where available:
- the person’s position at CSPD for whom documents are sought
- the school(s) from where the documents are sought
- the person’s date of birth, and
- the time period relevant to the documents.
Fees for release of information
The purpose of a fee associated with the release of information is to provide CSPD with reasonable compensation for the cost of complying with the request. Those costs include, but are not limited to, staff time in locating and searching records, the resources involved in copying documents and payment for delivery of documents to the appropriate Court, Tribunal or other recipient.
CSPD fees for handling a Request for Information are as follows:
Standard fee* | $60 for one person |
$80 for two people | |
$90 for three people | |
$120 for four people | |
Legal Aid request** | $40 for one person, over 50 pages |
$30 per person thereafter, over 50 pages | |
$20 flat fee per person, under 50 pages | |
Please note that files over 300 pages will incur a $5 additional fee for each 100 pages thereafter.
There may be scope for a discount based on hardship or other grounds. We will let the applicant know if we need further information to assess this at the time of the request for a discount.
Request closures
If you do not provide the information we need to process your request within 30 days of receipt of an email from us informing you that we have received your request, your request will be closed.
If you still require the information after a file has been closed, you will need to send a new request.
Need help?
If you have an inquiry concerning the requests for information please send us a message.