Before and after school care services are offered within the safety and convenience of selected Diocesan primary schools across western Sydney and up to the Blue Mountains.
Various activities are available for the children in Kindergarten to Year 6 at our centres ranging from craft, games, puzzles, cooking, dramatic play, construction and outdoor play. Children are encouraged to use their time with us to complete any homework, but as a recreationally based environment we are focused on offering the children the all important balance they need with fun and positive social interaction!
*before school care where available

Celebrating our 50th Ambrose School Age Care service!
Families in over half our schools can now access on-site before and after school care.
Services provided
Out of Hours Care
Ambrose offers before* and after school care during school terms for primary school aged children (Years K-6) in an environment that fully supports the Catholic ethos and the mission of the Catholic Church.
Pupil Free Days
On pupil free days, our centres may offer all day care. Booking is essential and we recommend you confirm your booking as early as possible for pupil free days.
Vacation Care
Vacation care is offered during school holidays at selected centres. Vacation Care is booked separately from Before School Care and After School Care and families new to Ambrose are welcome to apply.
How we operate
Run by Ambrose Centres, a social enterprise of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta Services Limited (CDPSL), our Out of School Hours and Vacation Care services offer professionally structured programs, in a vibrant, inclusive, and caring faith-based environment.
How we operate