Our strategic intent

Our intent is to transform the learning of each student and enrich the professional lives of staff within a Catholic learning community.

Our Purpose

Catholic education is a work of love, for the full human development of students, grounded in the person of Jesus Christ and at the service of society. All staff share in the evangelising mission of the Church as they work to bring about a synthesis of faith, life and culture in their communities.

The system of schools in the Diocese of Parramatta is a work of the Church, under the leadership of our Bishop and in collaboration with priests, parents, students and staff, to realise the mission of bringing the person of Jesus Christ into the lives of the young people in our care and their families.

Our Purpose

Santa Sophia Catholic College Gables students making use of study room
Catholic school funding

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Parramatta are funded by the Australian and NSW governments as well as through modest school fees and fundraising.

Research and evidence

CSPD works with education experts and academic partners from across Australia and around the world to ensure our learning programs are based on the latest research, evidence and best practice.

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