Choose the right pathway
We offer multiple pathways to meet the needs and interests of students and provide them with the opportunity to achieve multiple qualifications on school completion. Our secondary schools offer subject selections that can lead to early entrance to selected universities whilst completing their Higher School Certificate (HSC).
Choose the right pathway
Which pathway sounds like you?
Higher School Certificate (HSC)
The HSC is a long-standing pathway for preparing students for life after school. Students who meet the graduation requirements will receive their HSC which is generally a pathway to university. You will be studying at least 12 Preliminary and 10 HSC units of study.
Inquiry Pathway
CathWest Innovation College offers a unique Inquiry Pathway that assists students with internship work placement, developing and running their own businesses, apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities, and specific skills and goals related to careers in everything from Aeronautical Engineering and Business Management to Cyber Intelligence, Fashion and Graphic Design.
Trade Training Pathway
Fast track your career while you finish your HSC. An innovative approach to learning, the CathWest Innovation College trade pathways allow students to work towards their first year of an apprenticeship, whilst completing their Higher School Certificate at the same time.
Vocational Education Pathway
VET programs are delivered across 26 sites including CathWest Innovation College, which boasts the largest cohort of school-based apprentices and trainees in NSW, and through our virtual School of Now. VET courses give students the freedom to explore roles and industries they may wish to pursue, with some students undertaking multiple VET courses.
Online Subjects
School of Now is an innovative program that uses technology as an enabler to provide CSPD secondary students access to courses not available in their school, with Year 11 and 12 students across different schools having the opportunity to learn together from an expert teacher with specialist knowledge and experience in supporting HSC students.
Post school options program for students with additional needs
Opportunities include short pre-vocational courses for students in Year 9 and 10, work experience, mentoring, enterprise training, culturally specific supports and vocational education opportunities tailored to the needs of the student.
Where next?
Your child's learning journey
The CSPD Learning Journey honours the developmental stages in a student’s life and fosters imagination and innovation.
We value each unique learner
Every child is different and so is their learning journey so our schools are places where students are nurtured to grow, belong and be confident.
Learn how to enrol your child
Did you know families can apply for enrolment at any Catholic school in the Parramatta Diocese at any time of the year and regardless of where you live?